пятница, 18 июля 2014 г.

Kuala Lumpur – Amsterdam

A moment ago a civil airplane Kuala Lumpur – Amsterdam was shot down from a kindly given by Putin surface-to-air missile system “Buk”.
In the meatime, the terrorists show off in social networks that they shot down a military freighter. The terrorists were sure that they took a shot at a military transport airplane of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
Time and location of the crime completely match.
Nevertheless, according to the data from the anti-terrorist operation, Ukrainian transport airplanes are undamaged. The terrorists brought down the passenger airplane that Boeing-777 that flew in the same region where the Ukrainian airplane had to overfly. At the same time, a Russian propagandist information resource “LifeNews” hurried over to inform that the Pro-Russian militants shot down the airplane AN-26 of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Russian propagandist mass media have already expanded this piece of news.
Previously the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine informed that the Russian surface-to-air missile systems “Buk” that are able to engage targets oh high of 14-18 km. entered the territory of Ukraine
Today in the morning the local patriots recorded the moving of these systems from Torez to Snezhnoje.
Besides two days before the tragedy the terrorists shot down the Ukrainian military transport airplane AN-26 on high of 6500 m.
Boeing-777 flew on high of 10 000 m.
280 passengers and 15 crewmembers died.
The cynicism of Putin and his terrorists has no bounds!
Europe, the USA, the whole civilized world, open your eyes! Help us with everything you can please!
It is the war of good and evil!
There is a video from the place of crash! Some scoundrel shouted: “How beautiful it is! How beautiful it burns!”
Unpeople! Mosters!
Vapour trail of the launched by the terrorists earth-air rocket
 @ Anton Gerashchenko

boeing de:


This very moment Putin in a desperate attempt to hide the consequences of his deeds is trying to hide rocket complex "Buk" on Russian territory.
Ten minutes ago a row of military machinery including the above--mentioned "Buk" has passed the point 48.011623, 38.763036 on the road T-0522. It is only ten kilometers left to Russia.

It is most likely that the machinery which fired the missiles at Malaysian aircraft will be destroyed and the people who committed the act of terror will be annihilated.

Several hours ago Putin made a statement in regard the catastrophic crash of Malaysian Boing in which he blamed it all on Ukrainian side. What else is there to be done for an international terrorist?! Only lie!

The video of him lying is here:


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