понедельник, 21 июля 2014 г.

Пост о похищении Безлером - Бесом, гражданина Швеции на английском языке для распространения за рубежом.

Media is currently debating, who is to blame that the OSCE and other international organizations’ inspectors, the Malaysians, the Dutch, and other interested people have no possibility to get to the crash site.
Russian media is all together blaming Ukraine.
And here in Ukraine we want to ask, how is it possible to conduct any investigation being at the gunpoint of yobbos and death-hunters?
And not just yobbos, but a bunch of scum bags that take foreigners as hostages.
So yesterday Bes’s gang took a 64-years old citizen of Sweden as a hostage. Here is his name:
Nilsson Bengt Gunnar, born in 1950.
Can it is possible that Bes and Strelkov are going to try to take as hostages some other foreign nationals who arrived for duty and honor to investigate the crimes of terrorists in the Donbass?
We demand the immediate and unconditional release of the Sweden citizen and we demand that the unhandicapped a safe access to all foreign and Ukrainian experts investigating this terrible tragedy was granted immediately!

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