пятница, 18 июля 2014 г.

Stop Russian Terrorism!!!

Just visited the Embassy of the Netherlands near Kontraktova square.
The entrance to the Embassy is strewn with thousands of flowers, so that it is not possible to come through. My modest bunch is there as well.

One can observe the continuous flow of Ukrainians in tears who came over to express their support for the people of the Netherlands and other countries whose citizens died yesterday as a result of the terrible terrorist act organized by Putin by means of the terrorists.
God forbid this boy and his mom, who came to lay flowers at the Embassy of the Netherlands, ever experience the horror that those children and parents have experienced while flying in this ill-fated Malaysian Boeing.

I feel deeply for those suffered in the terrible catastrophe and express my deepest condolences for the families and friends of the perished.
This should never occur again!
 Anton Gerashchenko

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